Celebrating 100 years of women police in Victoria

Celebrating 100 years of women in Victoria Police
A timeline representing 100 years of women in Victoria Police.
1917……. Madge Connor and Elizabeth Beers appointed ‘women police agents’ with no powers of arrest, on half the pay of men and no rights to a pension. They did not wear uniform.
1924……. Four women (Madge Connor, Ellen Cook, Mary Cox and Nell Davidson) sworn in on an equal basis with policemen, on the same seniority list.
1947……. Uniform design and ‘PW’ cap badges introduced, first worn publicly 1948 by Elva Carr (joined 1946) and Street Patrol..
1950……. Grace Brebner (joined 1942) first female detective in Australia; first to attend Detective Training School, first to drive police cars.
1956……. Policewomen moved to separate seniority list—result of 1953 appeal denying Kath Mackay (joined 1930) promotion to Sergeant on equal basis with men.
1972……. Married women allowed to join Victoria Police and policewomen no longer required to retire upon marrying.
1975……. Maternity and paternity leave introduced.
1977……. Anne Wregg (née Cursio) first Australian policewoman awarded Queen’s Gallantry Medal.
1978……. Equal Opportunity Act comes into effect for Victoria Police. Seniority lists once again amalgamated.
1981……. Slacks become part of policewomen’s uniform.
1982……. Joan Notting first female in charge of an all-male police station. ‘PW’ cap badges and Women Police Divisions abolished.
1984……. Margaret McVeigh promoted to Superintendent—first female in Australia to reach this rank.
1986……. Constable Angela Taylor first policewoman feloniously slain in line of duty. Tarina Martyn first Indigenous policewoman.
1989……. Bernice Masterson first Australian woman promoted to Assistant Commissioner.
1992……. Part-time policing introduced. First all-female Victoria Police Colour Party.
1993……. Constable Angela Coulson first policewoman recipient of Victoria Police Valour Award.
1998……. Detective Senior Constable Debra Robertson succeeds at the Equal Opportunity Commission resulting in part-time policing options for detectives.
1999……. Constable Rebecca Caskey first policewoman at Police Search and Rescue.
2000……. Jocelyn O’Brien and Kathryn Joyce transfer to Dog Squad.
2001……. Christine Nixon apm appointed Chief Commissioner, first woman to achieve the rank in Australia.
2002……. Natalie Cale first policewoman at ‘one-man station’ (Culgoa).
2012……. New uniforms introduced. Both policemen and policewomen reverted to police caps (and for women, pocketed shirts) first worn in 1947.
2017…… 100 year anniversary of women in Victoria Police.
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