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Happy reading (and listening).

Offer Your Hand; Not your Judgement
Myrene Purcell

Myrene Purcell is not your typical ex-Victoria Police member. The former Senior Sergeant trained in the Army, was the first female member of the Prison Squad and qualified as a social worker after she left the job.She was the only policewoman in Seymour before being transferred to the Sexual Offences Squad, in the Crime Squads and inner-city CIB’s before becoming a detective.  Working as an operational police member gave Myrene a strong foundation to continue to work in the family violence space as a social worker. 

“Offer Your Hand; Not your Judgement”

(Click to Listen)

“Attitude is everything”
Retired Inspector Margie Lewis

Margie Lewis has just retired after 43 years in Victoria Police. The former Inspector had a diverse career from General Duties, NCA’s Surveillance Unit, Ethical Standards, Welfare to the State Emergencies and Support Command. Despite wrangling some prejudice and sexual harassment, Margie triumphed becoming a commissioned officer; a rank she never imagined she’d reach. She claims it’s all to do with having the right attitude and not letting anyone or anything stop you! 

“Attitude is Everything”

(Click to Listen)

The Crime Couch podcast – “She did it Her Way Part 1”

Former Detective Senior Constable Kaye Murphy paved the way for women in the job. She was the first single Mum and the youngest female CIB detective in Victoria Police. Kaye also worked in the toughest Crime Squads; the Breakers, Armed Robbery and Consorting Squads and the Homicide Squad.

She Did It Her Way (Part 1)
(Click to listen)

The Crime Couch podcast – “Lil Irwin – a legend in the job”

94 year old Lilian Irwin was an Inspector in Victoria Police for nearly three decades. “Lil” as she’s affectionately known led the way for women in the police force. She joins me to discuss her stellar career on The Crime Couch. When Lil joined in 1961 she was only one of four women in her squad. Nick-named “The Queen of Fitzroy” and “Legs 11,” Lil was the only female Inspector when she was promoted in 1977 at a time when policewomen thought they’d be lucky to get to Sergeant!

“Lil Irwin – a legend in the job”

(Click to Listen)

The Crime Couch podcast – Giovanna Campana’s episode “Holding the line”

Here’s the details about Giovanna’s podcast interview “Holding the line”;

Giovanna Campana may be the first policewoman permitted to ever wear trousers on a freezing night-shift in country Victoria. But there’s plenty more important achievements in her stellar career!

Giovanna was the first woman to be stationed in General Duties at Ballarat. She was also the first female Sergeant in Vic Pol’s Protective Security Group and the first female Sergeant Negotiator.  Giovanna was also the first female Sergeant posted to East Timor.

“Holding the Line”
(click to listen)

Contains Snappy @2021 performed Jonathan Boyle with music written by Jonathan Boyle, courtesy of Premium Beat.

Post production by Pete Dillon @www.fearlesscollective.com.au and acknowledgement to Stephen Peters for his assistance and support. 

Thanks for listening. Please take the time to rate & review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your pods. We’d love to hear your thoughts and it makes it easier for the rest of the podcast world to find The Crime Couch. 

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